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HCI Resources

Computer-based training products developed by HCI that are designed to strengthen health worker performance and affect health outcomes.

Conference Presentations
Presentations made by HCI staff at international or regional conferences.

Conceptual frameworks developed by HCI to describe key questions or issues addressed by improvement strategies or research studies.

Issue Papers
Issue Papers review research findings and evidence on topics relevant to HCI’s work. This category includes white papers that describe methods and approaches that HCI is developing or field testing.

Journal Articles
Articles published in professional journals by HCI staff and partners related to the project’s work.

Monographs, technical guidelines and tools related to improvement of health care that HCI has published to assist health care providers to apply QI methods.

Research & Evaluation Reports
Reports describing the methods, tools, and findings of HCI research and evaluation studies.

Research & Evaluation Study Profiles
Brief overviews of HCI-sponsored research and evaluation studies and related documents.

Short Reports
Flyers and short reports on improvement experiences supported by HCI.

Technical/Field Reports
In-depth and summary documents describing the results of HCI's work in USAID-assisted countries.

Instruments and guidelines developed or adapted by HCI for quality assessment, developing improvement interventions, measuring results, synthesizing and sharing learning, or other support for improvement activities.

Training Materials
Facilitator's guides and trainer and participant manuals developed by HCI.

Other websites associated with the HCI Project.